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Training Programs

We are proud to offer three different education tracks and a course in non-destructive inspection and testing (NDI/NDT) to engineers, inspectors, fabricators, technicians, mechanics, and anyone else involved in the design, manufacture, repair and inspection of advanced composite structures.


Engineering and Design

Abaris engineering and design courses are considered the best “real world” short courses available to the composites industry.  These courses are aerospace centric but apply to all industries and are very hands-on in nature. Each course is 5-days in duration, and they build sequentially from one course to the next.  There are two primary tracks: Engineering Structures (ES) and Engineering Repair (ER). There is minimal crossover (except the ER-3/ES-4 course) between tracks. We have had engineering students attend all the courses to best maximize their career competencies. The courses are listed in order, with each course prerequisite to the next. The links take you to the full description for each course.

Engineering Structures (ES) Track Courses:

ES-1: Composite Essentials for Engineers and Managers

ES-2: Composite Laminate Analysis

ES-3: Design of Composite Structures

ER-3/ES-4: FEA, DIC, and Advanced Stress Methods for Composite Structures and Repairs.

Engineering Repair (ER) Track Courses:

ER-1: Aerospace Repair Analysis and Substantiation

ER-2: Advanced Aerospace Repair Analysis and Substantiation

ER-3/ES-4: FEA, DIC, and Advanced Stress Methods for Composite Structures and Repairs.

Engineering Materials and Process (EM) Course:

EM-9: Cure Management and Process Control



Our manufacturing courses are designed to provide students with a well-rounded education in composite materials, processes, methods, and techniques utilized across all composite manufacturing industries. Each course is 5-days in duration and all start with the curricula presented in the M-1/R-1 prerequisite course. All these courses are hands-on in nature and a great deal of time is spent in the lab learning key tricks and time saving methodologies. These courses can be taken out of sequence after the prerequisite has been met. Some of the Manufacturing courses (M) crossover to the Repair (R) track. The embedded links below take you to the full description for each course.

Manufacturing Track Courses:

M-1/R-1: Advanced Composite Structures: Fabrication and Damage Repair, Phase I

M-2: Advanced Composite Manufacturing 2

M-4/R-7: Adhesive Bonding of Composites and Metals

M-5: Resin Infusion Technologies

M-6/R-8: Mold Fabrication for Production and Repair

M-7/R-6: Non-destructive Inspection Techniques for Technicians and Inspectors

MQA-1: Fundamentals of Advanced Composites for Auditors



The Abaris composite repair courses have evolved along with the industry since we began teaching them in 1983. Today’s courses are designed to provide our students with the latest knowledge and tactile skills needed to approach any structural composite repair with confidence and competence. Each course is 5-days in duration and the first three start with the curricula presented in the M-1/R-1 prerequisite course and run sequentially. All these courses are hands-on in nature and a great deal of time is spent in the lab doing composite repairs to actual composite parts and panels.  The embedded links below take you to the full description for each course.

Repair Track Courses:

M-1/R-1: Advanced Composite Structures: Fabrication and Damage Repair, Phase I

R-2: Advanced Composite Structures: Damage Repair, Phase II

R-3: Advanced Composite Structures: Damage Repair, Phase III

R-4: Repair of Aluminum Bonded Structures

R-10: Helicopter Rotor Blade Repair

R-13: General Aviation Composite Repair


Manufacturing (M) and Repair (R) Crossover Courses:

M-7/R-6: Non-destructive Inspection Techniques for Technicians and Inspectors

M-4/R-7: Adhesive Bonding of Composites and Metals

M-6/R-8: Mold Fabrication for Production and Repair


Windblade Repair Track:

R-5: Composite Windblade Repair

R-15: Advanced Windblade Repair

R-GWO: Certified GWO Windblade Repair


Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)

Our 5-Day NDI course is designed for inspectors, technician, engineers, or anybody else tasked with identifying and quantifying defects in new or damaged composite panels using the latest equipment, methods, and techniques. The course is very “hands-on” in nature, and quite busy. The instruction is performed by an ASNT certified Level III engineer and is flexible to adapting to the students needs.

NDI Course:

M-7/R-6: Non-destructive Inspection Techniques for Technicians and Inspectors

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